Fresh Pineapples

Best pineapples you could ever wish for...

Pineapple contains plenty of nutrients and beneficial compounds, such as vitamin C, manganese, and enzymes to help aid digestion.
Eating fresh or roasted ripe pineapple may help
boost immunity, lower cancer risk, and improve
recovery time after surgery.

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Our Products

What do we have?

Abacaxi Pineapple

Types of abacaxi pineapples include the sugarloaf, Montufar, White Kauai, and Antigua Black. They're tall and spiny with blue-green foliage.

Queen Pineapple

There are a number of varieties of queen pineapples among the dozens of variations, with three popular varieties being the Natal Queen, the MacGregor.

Mordilona Pineapple

Mordilona pineapples are large, irregular, and cylindrical with a yellow to orange peel. Meat inside, it tastes sweet and pleasant with a juicy texture.

Our Vendors

Who are our customers?
They choose us for the "quality".

Keells Supermarkets

Hewage Super


Meet the Team

At the backside of every pleasurable story
there're brilliant minds.


mega lochana. a local version of xavier thorpe. kind hearted, enthusiastic fellow. a proud vidyarthan.


shammika viranga. celebrity of the batch. lead vocalist of the "fusion". notes running in his vains. a noble trinitian.

la hi-ruu

supun lahiru. respects liberty, democracy and despise autocracy. a virtuous kingswoodian.


mandinee abhisheka. a future analyst. a blessed student from the prestigious KGHS.